
ENK Intermezzo - Day 2

So day 2 was more of the same... except I got to meet the one and only Patricia Fields. Yep, I actually met her! I shook her hand and she called me cute!! For those of you who don't know of Ms. Fields, she is a costume and fashion designed from the 1970s who's true claim to fame is her position as the stylist for the HBO series Sex and the City.

Patricia Fields presented The K Fashion Project.The project is a collection of Korean fashion labels with this season styled by Fields herself. Not totally my style, but I can dig it. Definitely a couple pieces I would like in my closet. There booth was right beside Bod & Christensen so I couldn't help but be part of the action. Check it out...

(Two of those are live mannequin... See if you can guess which are live humans)

(Did you guess right?)

Not sure who the chick on the right is?
Patricia Fields - Left

K but how BA is she?! And she's rocking Creepers...


My outfit details. 

Bod & Christensen
One Teaspoon

Right Hand
Tiffany& Co by Frank Gehry
Alexander McQueen by Twin Skull
Left Hand
Tiffany&Co 925
Jen's Pirate Booty FUCK

TBA Shoes Esthers (Obviously...)

Black Scrunchie
Tiffany&Co Beads
Tiffany&Co by Frank Gehry
Spiked Leather
Random vintage bangles

lovers only xx


  1. Hello ,

    I'm Valencia, the community manager of WhatIWear. I checked out your blog, and I think your style is awesome! It should be seen by more people! That's why I'd like to invite you to WhaIWear.com. With 1,5 million page views a month, WhatIWear.com is the leading street style website in Asia. Plus, we're still growing, so it's perfect for rising fashionistas to have their chance to SHINE at the spotlight.

    Maybe you can post these pics as your first looks on WhatIWear? I bet our members will be rooting for you as well!

    We cannot wait to see your awesome style.
    Click www.whatiwear.com to get started.

    See you soon,
    Community manager

    1. Hi Valencia,
      I can't believe I didn't see this earlier?? I would love to post photos on WhatIWear.com. Please let me know how!
      -Daphne XX
